Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Mouse Tail Chapter 7


             Try telling a bunch of baby birds that your sister is probably worried sick about you and you're hopelessly lost. It doesn't work too well. The birds were STILL staring at me and my calm impatience. "Can any of you fly?" I asked, annoyed. They stared. "HELLO!" I yelled. That broke whatever spell they were under. They chirped to each other for a moment, then they bobbed their little/big heads. " You can?!" I was excited now. "Could you carry me around?" More bobbing.
              "Would you? Without eating me, that is...," They bobbed their heads again. I felt like screaming with joy. I went to the closest one and cautiously climbed on. The bird took off. I yelped. It was so sudden. But then the world turned around. Everything was so beautiful to see. Like a giant quilt. Patches of color, or, desert.  I snapped back to   reality and what I was doing way up here in the first place. I looked for Maggie and the big, coiled shape of Silver. I saw a big stick structure tied together with desert grass, but no Maggie. Where could she be? I let the baby bird fly around for a little and then landed it home. I took a short nap while the birds went back to staring at me.



             Still sitting in our little makeshift home,  Silver and I talked and harvested little prickly pears. A long time ago, when I still felt like a young mouse, I had had nightmares about being alone then meeting snakes. Now, here I was, talking with a snake without my Minnie. I was surprised when I thought about it. I missed Minnie and I wanted to go home. I saw a shadow outside the stick building. A flying shadow with wings and a beak. Oh, no, I thought. another hawk. My mind stopped working for a minute and went into survival mode. I backed up against the wall and started squeaking madly. Then my face hurt. I snapped out of whatever was happening to me. Silver had slapped my face. He hadn't been talking much since we left the Nook. I had come to love the big guy. He was my strong, silent friend. I trusted him and knew if I was ever in trouble, he would be there. I rushed outside to see just a baby bird flying away. I thought there was something on it's back, but I was surely just hallucinating. I scampered back inside and pulled on Silver. "We're going searching now," I told him firmly and walked bravely out the door to start across the lonely desert.

               My mother says to discontinue this story...I would like some honest comments about if I should stop and start a fan fiction, or keep going, please.     


1 comment:

  1. I really like it Taya, but who wants to read a story about a mouse? (that sounded soo mean,srry) I think you should right something like about humans, but don't make it like those stupid books about cliques and stuff. Right something really good like the Hunger Games or Delerium (you should read it! It almost made me cry!!) or Eragon...something really good. Because I fell asleep as soon as I saw the Secret of Nimh (the mouse movie) so...ya.
